Granny G's





Granny G's Shady Nook

See our collection of books from times gone by!

5303 W. Glendale Ave. 


Open Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. by appointment only.

Family - run and kitty - supervised, Granny G’s Shady Nook, one of Glendale’s earliest antique shops, was established in 1990. A 3,500 square foot shop in the shadows of the historic Beet Sugar Factory, features themed vignettes. The children’s section offers Uncle Wiggly, Disneyana, tin game boards, and Dick and Jane readers. A 1930’s linoleum cabinet and a primitive shoe rack compliment the marvelous kitchen display and Granny G’s offers Western, Vintage Clothing, Sports, Tools, Fishing, Advertising and Travel sections as well.

New items arrive almost daily. Granny G (Glenda Stanley), husband Mo, son Adam, and nephew Seth invite customers to stop and pet the shop cat, Dumas, place a piece in the current jigsaw puzzle, or fill out a search card for that childhood book they can’t seem to find.

Come --- pull up a rocking chair, and catch a glimpse of life’s by-gone nooks and crannies!





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Last modified: January 06, 2014