Papa Ed's
Ice Cream Donates over $125 to Glendale Fire Department
Crisis Response Team - Mystery Customer
Contributes Another $50 --- Everyone Had a 'DOG-GONE Good

Photo By Ed Sharpe Glendale
Daily Planet
Moran-Whittley - Papa Ed's Ice Cream, Lynette Jelinek,
"Topaz" the dog and Karla Houston
of the Glendale Fire Dept. Crisis Response Team.
Topaz is seen here guarding the cash!
Daily Planet April 22, 2009>
Wednesday afternoon, Papa Ed's Ice Cream presented a check
in the amount of $125.95 to the Glendale Fire Dept. Crisis
Response Team. Accepting the contribution was
Karla Houston, Crisis
Response Program Coordinator,
Lynette Jelinek, and "Topaz" the dog from the Glendale
Fire Department Crisis Response Team.
The "Tip Jar" sitting
on the counter in the ice cream parlor has been designated
specifically for this wonderful volunteer group from day
Linda the owner of Papa
Ed's tells us. "Thanks to the generosity of our
customers we were able to show our appreciation in a big
way, for all the valuable things this group does in
our community."
The festive enthusiasm spread quickly to a special
visitor from Michigan who donated another $50.00 right on
the spot!
partnership between an Ice Cream Shop and
Fire Department Crisis Response Team is a unique
Karla Houston, Crisis
Response Program Coordinator explains "Linda
Whitley and I met about 2 years ago, before Papa Ed's was
open for business. She called and said she had money
for the GFD CR Program and how would I like for her to get
it to me. I was thrilled and very appreciative.
She had read about our Volunteer Program in the paper and
decided we were a good cause to donate to."
continues, "It was right after Glendale’s Teddy
Bear Day. She had placed a jar out with our name on
it, during that weekend and people just kept putting money
in the jar. When I went to pick up the check, and
met Linda, it seemed like we had known each other forever
(even though we had just met at that moment). "
Linda's building took quite a
while to remodel to be used as an ice cream parlor. While
this was going on Karla tells us, "She
(Linda) was out in her driveway with a Shamrock Ice Cream
freezer giving ice cream away and all the people
had to do was to donate to the CR Program!"

Photo By Ed Sharpe Glendale
Daily Planet
Moran-Whittley - Papa Ed's Ice Cream and Karla
of the Glendale Fire Dept. Crisis Response Team.
You liked Topaz? Here is a little bit more about
sure to check back files on the Glendale Daily Planet and
back issues of the Glendale Star for other stories in this
remarkable member of the Glendale Fire Department Crisis
Response Team.

Glendale's "FIRST
Courtesy Glendale Fire Department
The year and a half old
yellow lab has been through extensive training and can
actually sense when people are frightened or grieving.
Topaz is used as a tool for communication. “He actually
helps build a therapeutic bridge between the customer and
the crisis interventionist,” said Lynette Jelinek,
Glendale Fire Human Services Division Manager. “He helps
lighten the mood, and bring in a calming effect to a
situation that may seem out of control,” Jelinek
Glendale Fire adopted the trained
service dog from Paws with a Cause, an organization that
trains various service animals for people with
Daily Planet