Annual Citizen’s Police Academy Alumni of Glendale
(CPAAG) car show and fundraiserSaturday, April 4, 2015
By Bette Sharpe Glendale Daily Planet

Citizen’s Police Academy Alumni of Glendale (CPAAG) car show and

Ricki Ray //
Special to Glendale Daily Planet no. 20150404-08100 and
Glendale Mayor Jerry Weiers and Glendale Police Chief Deborah Black and
members of the Glendale Police Academy at the CPAAG Car Show on Saturday,
April 4, 2015. The event was held at Sanderson Ford in Glendale, 64000 N.
51st Avenue, Glendale.

Ricki Ray //
Special to Glendale Daily Planet
Best of show was a 1969 Chevelle Super Sport belonging to Rick Kahrs

Bette Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no. 3166.
The 1941 Willys Coupe Pro-Street is owned by Tim and Debby (chief!)

The car show expected over 100 show cars. The Glendale Police
Department K-9 Unit gave a demonstration at 10:00 a. m. The Forensics Unit
had a mock crime scene set up throughout the day for people to
Proceeds from this year’s fundraised will go towards helping the
Glendale Police Department Forensics Unit acquire new work
equipment. The Forensics Unit is looking forward to having more
ergonomically correct work tables and color balanced lighting.

Randy Miller/ Special to Glendale Daily Planet no.1

Randy Miller/ Special to
Glendale Daily Planet no.2
Most people would not consider this to be something to do on a Saturday
morning. Sgt. Ernie Ochoa is a member of the Glendale K-9 Unit and is
working with a four legged partner Malchi (meaning ‘my messenger’) and
Officer M. Griffith.

Bette Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no .
Forensics Technicians Shawna Davis and Gina Carter need new work tables
and lighting. Their current equipment is out dated and not as
ergonomically as it should be for them kind of intense close work they do
on a daily basis.

Bette Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no. 3170.
CPAAG Car Show, Saturday, April 4, 2015 at Sanderson Ford in Glendale
raised funds for new equipment for Glendale’s Forensics Unit.