Glendale Community College dedicates 50th
Anniversary Time Capsule
GCC sends itself 25 years into the
By Bette and Ed Sharpe - Glendale
Daily Planet
The first ever time capsule for Glendale Community College was
dedicated on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. The capsule will be buried on the
main campus on the east side of the Dr. Joe Grego Counseling and Career
Services Building. One of the last items that will go into the capsule is
this year’s commencement program. Items in the capsule will reflect the
times, the culture and daily life of the faculty, staff and students of
Glendale Community College. The 50th Anniversary Time Capsule is scheduled
to be opened in 2040 or twenty-five years from now. Will people care about
the iPhone and Google in 2040?

Ed Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no. 13334.
Amy Gonzales and Suzanne Smelser are standing just outside of the Dr.
Joe Griego Counseling and Career Services Building on the main campus,
6000 West Olive Avenue, Glendale. This is the only time capsule Glendale
Community College has had.

Bette Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no. 2980.
Ed Sharpe, Glendale Daily Planet (AA in General Business GCC late 70s), has a DVD of the Glendale Daily
Planet / KKAT-IPTV edition for the time capsule. Amy Gonzales and Suzanne
Smelser (Holding the CD) set up the display and coordinated
capsule items. Will we have DVD players 25 years from now? Who knows
what people will think of the items in the time capsule? Twenty-five years
into the future is a long time; a quarter of a century. The time capsule
is about the size of a kitchen sink. In addition there are
copies of the GCC's Paper The VOICE, Glendale Star, Arrowhead Independent,
Glendale Today and the Arizona Republic to be viewed 25 years from

Ed Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no. 3052.
Dr. Irene Kovala, President of Glendale Community College,
speaking at the Glendale Community College time capsule dedication held on
the main campus on Wednesday, April 1, 2015.
Glendale Community College
President, Dr. Irene Kovala… thanked
the Associated Student Government for purchasing the capsule and invited
everyone to "Take a moment to look at the items displayed on
the tables and think what your life might be like in 25 years."
The Only time
capsule buried on the campus that we are aware of. To be opened in 2040
(25 years).
Kovala stated "Merriam
Webster defines time capsule as a container holding historical records or
objects representative of current culture that is deposited for
preservation until discovery by some future age."
Dr. Kovala thanked
all who added the many items including a 3D printed
snowflake, flash drive, iPhone, campus strategic plan and many other items
that represent GCC daily life in 2015. There was special
mention of an empty sushi container because sushi is the most popular item
sold in the GCC food services area. Also included are letters from a
founding student, founding faculty, current ASG president and herself.
Some of the key statistics mentioned
by Dr Kovala were:
GCC has come a long way since in 50
We started with:
1965 Headcount: 2,647 students.
2015 Headcount: over 18,000 students
First graduation class on this
campus site in May 1967: 145
Now - May 2015: over 650
The GCC Campus started with
8 permanent buildings and now there are over 30 buildings on campus.

Bette Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no. 3098.
Glendale Community College President
Dr. Irene Kovala shows off the plaque that will be attached to
the vault that holds The of
the Associated Student Government’s time capsule that
will be buried for 25 years and opened in 2040.
Dr. Irene Kovala's
Letter to the Future
To GCC in 2040:
I am so pleased to write to you during
the celebration of Glendale Community College’s 50th year
Anniversary and, as a part of the time capsule event, to forecast the
future “state” of GCC.
First a little re-cap. We were founded
in 1964-65 with nearly 2,000 students in two locations, not located where
GCC sits today. In 2014-2015, we are 27,000 students strong in three
locations: GCC Main on Olive Avenue in Glendale; GCC North on Happy Valley
Road in Phoenix and the Communiversity in Surprise. The growth and
expansion of these locations is due in great part to the expansion of the
greater Phoenix area and the West Valley.
We are proud partners in the Maricopa
County Community College District. In 2015, with 11 colleges, this
district is the largest in Arizona and serves more than 250,000 students
annually. We provide an open door to many students: first generation of
students attending college in their families, immigrants, adult students,
students attending college while still in high school, international
students from nearly 50 countries, veterans and many more. We proudly are
a very diverse institution, serving ethnicities across the spectrum. We
are also very diverse in our programs of study…transfer programs, career
and technical programs, personal enrichment courses and pre-college
courses including General Education and English as a Second Language. With
a mission that serves an “open door” policy, Glendale embraces access
and student success as our outcome.
In 2015, we have faced many external
challenges that undoubtedly will change some of the future practices of
the college. No longer do we receive any funding from the state of
Arizona. Federal laws and policies that govern significant aspects of the
college are changing and becoming more abundant. Federal financial aid, a
cornerstone in assisting college students in securing the funds to pay for
college, is undergoing major change, including less grant and scholarship
funding and increased reliance on borrowed funds and loans. In fact,
student indebtedness is a growing concern for all colleges. Our practice
of accreditation, the system under which colleges are deemed qualified as
legitimate, is under scrutiny to change and be more responsive to consumer
Yet, Glendale is an important and
significant institution to the West Valley and will continue to be in the
future. My hope is that not only will Glendale continue its strategic role
in Maricopa County and Arizona, its importance will increase in 25 years
due to the relevance of the academic programs and agility of the college
to respond to current needs. Given the challenges of the first fifty years
and the ability of the college to develop programs to meet new emerging
needs and be a provider of education that prepares an educated citizenry,
there is no doubt that the vibrancy of Glendale will remain, albeit in a
more mid-21st century version. The need for Glendale Community
College is as resolute and prominent in 2040 as in 1965.
With my best wishes to you,
Dr. Irene Kovala

Ed Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet.
Moran, Associated Student Body President 2014-2015,
reads his letter to the 2040 GCC Associated Student Body .
Ricardo "Rico" Moran Glendale Community College Associated
Student Government President 2014-2015…
"Rico" Moran
Community College
Student Government
1, 2015
Community College
Student Government
Union 123C
name is Ricardo Moran but I was better known as Rico. I was proud to be
the Associated Student Government President during Glendale Community
College 50th year anniversary. On this date, we bury a piece of history. A
piece in time that I have been privileged to be a part of. A time that has
made me proud in serving our community, our campus but most of all our
is continuing to grow, not just in numbers but in its ability to adapt to
our ever changing population. I have been here four years now and seeing
new students come in and longstanding ones go has been amazing. Through
ASG, the Male Empowerment Network (MEN), and the New Student Orientation
presentations and tours that I participated in, I have been able to share
my knowledge of GCC and my experiences with many students; showing that
this campus, just has so much to offer.
opportunities that GCC has offered me have been truly a blessing. I have
been the MEN Chapter President and a member of numerous clubs and
organizations on campus. I have met numerous of students from our own
campus and from the other Maricopa Colleges through our activities and
events. I have seen the endless support from our administrators, faculty
and staff. I have seen, the drive that our students have for the
opportunity of a higher education. I could only hope that that has
throughout these years.
my time here I have had the privilege to work alongside some very
interesting and inspiring people. From my peers inside and outside of the
classroom, to the members of my clubs and of course my coworkers in the
Student Leadership Center, they have all provided me with the insight and
motivation to carryon. I have a firm belief in that GCC has offered me
pathways to a better life and the opportunity to hone in on the skills
that I need for the steps along the way. A special thanks would have to go
my Advisor Connie Greenwell and my best friend Patricia Martarella for
continuing to teach me the lessons of life that we need outside of the
this moment, I am 26 years old. I have experienced so much of life already
that it baffles me sometimes. I have become a pioneer to social networking
and media. I have started several Hashtags (#) on Instagram such as; #manquotemondays
and #thatmidweekthought. Hashtags might be strange to you but believe me,
these days, it's a must when posting a picture online. Facebook is still
going strong. If you do not find Facebook familiar, I suggest you Google
it. If you do not have Google, than I hope we have found a way to share
the world's enormous amount of information more efficient because right
now, Google is the best thing on earth.
am currently majoring in Communication. I hope to move on next fall to the
Northern University of Arizona extension program to continue my studies in
Communication. One of my favorite instructors during my time here at GCC
has to be Dr. James Reed. I'm sure that by the time you get to read this,
he would have a building or two named after him.
other things, music is a huge part of the student's everyday life. At
least for those near me and myself. So many different kinds of music is
out there right now and so much more is being invented. I work in an
office for the majority of my day and without Pandora or YouTube
constantly playing in the background, I would have a complete head of grey
hairs. Albert Einstein said, "I often think in music. I live my
daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music." Whether you're
the student that has continued walking by others on the way to class with
your ear buds on full blast, or that one person who doesn't mind sharing
his music with everyone else in the student union, music brings a sense of
unity between students in 2015.
are a big deal still. We have the technology to replicate most fictional
books and comics that I grew up reading. I personally enjoy Marvel's comic
accomplishment of Captain America, X-Men and The Avengers. At the moment,
DC Comics is starting to create their versions of films, and in my
opinion, the Justice League is going to be amazing. The last Hunger Games
movie is expected to come out later this year and if it's as good as the
previous ones, then I'm excited. Although, I hope that in the near future
J.K. Rowling has magically conspired with Professor Dumbledore and Snape
to create a new book series involving all of my favorite characters from
the Harry Potter books in order to convert them into awesome films once
is so much more I want to tell you about GCC and the early 2000's, but
there is only so much room in this capsule. I have attached some of
today's top lists. I hope you find them just as entertaining as we have.
If you have any questions, please come look for me. I'll answer anything,
or if anything you will enjoy an old timer's tall tale of a time that once
a proud and grateful member of this college, I hope that whoever reads
this, has furthered their extrinsic understanding of a higher education
but most importantly, have a deeper intrinsic understanding of the
importance of an education. I wish you, the unknown future, the very best.
"Rico" Moran
special thanks to all those who have helped me get to where I am and for
the support they have shown. Especially to my ASG Members.
Student Government 2015
"Rico" Moran – President
Lee Jr. - Vice President
Moreno - Treasurer
Mateo - Secretary
Garduno - Public Relations
Saldana Jr.
Gerardo Palacios Aceves

Terry Bloss
Glendale Community College
1964 – 1966
This is a first for me. How do you
write a letter that describes events 50 years ago to a group who won’t
read those descriptions for another 25 years? How do I bridge a 75-year
gap in Glendale Community College history in some meaningful way?
I first walked on to what was then
the Maryland Extension of Phoenix College in the fall of 1964. I was fresh
from a reasonably nondescript high school career. I played a little
football, got decent grades, and was socially backward due to a shyness
brought by an inability to speak clearly due to a stuttering problem. I
was not happy with those years and was determined that college would be
different. Realizing that all of the incoming freshmen were also new to
the campus gave me a great feeling of being on equal ground. I faced a new
world with completely new opportunities. With that in mind I ran for
Freshman class President.
Thanks to lots of posters, a
meticulously rehearsed speech, and low voter turnout, I won that election.
I was also privileged to serve Glendale as Associated Students’
President. Those opportunities proved to be a springboard to new
friendships and new experiences. I gained more confidence in my abilities.
I no longer shuddered in fear of speaking in front of people. That was
important to learn since I ended up being a bi-vocational preacher a well
as a career firefighter. My years at GCC were so pivotal to the success of
my life.
One of the friendships I forged
was destined to drastically change my life. My second year at GCC I went
from the Maryland Extension to the Camelback Extension campus. I had met
Ron Atwood from Camelback at some leadership conferences. Once we were on
the same campus we became fast friends. One day we were sitting and
talking out by the campus swimming pool, probably cutting classes, when he
suggested we join the Army together. Underscoring the innate ability of a
teenager to reason logically to the wrong conclusion, I said,
"Sure!" It was during the ensuing six years in the military that
I met Suzie, my wife of almost 44 years, and we had our two wonderful
daughters. As the years went on, we shared much love and laughter. We
fostered 42 other children besides our own daughters. I finished up my
college work at Dallas Baptist University. The basis for all of this was
the opportunities and experiences that I had at GCC.
I look back at the 50 years since
I first set foot on a GCC campus and see such a changed world. The 60’s
was a decade of tremendous cultural and political change. It many ways it
was also a decade of moral change. As Bob Dylan put it, the times were a-changin’!
So many movements started during that tumultuous decade. Movements for
civil rights, the environment, and peace rose to the forefront. The
Vietnam War brought a division in the country not seen since the Civil War
era. Traditional attitudes toward extramarital sex and other
"vices" went through a metamorphosis. It was an exciting time to
be alive if you truly realized all that was happening. Many college
students were deeply involved in these movements. Others seemed content to
be wrapped up in their own little worlds while the changes swirled around
them. Fifty years later I see the same attitudes. Some students have a
true social conscience and a steady moral compass and many others are
still more concerned just with their own sphere of existence. I hope that
during the next 25 years college students become increasingly aware of the
influence they can have in creating a better world for my great
I look at the technology that was
around in the 60’s and I am amazed at the progress made in the past 50
years. I can hardly begin to imagine what technological miracles will be
created during the next 25. The only computing that we had on campus that
I knew of was used for record keeping and test scoring. Punch cards were
the order of the day to feed data into the giant processing banks that
filled entire rooms. Today that level of processing and computing is
available in the palm of my hand. Audio-visual equipment consisted of
slide and film strip projectors, overhead projectors, and 16mm
reel-to-reel film projectors. The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Beach Boys, Bob
Dylan and Peter, Paul and Mary provided the soundtrack for our lives. We
played our music on vinyl records. 8-track and cassette tapes were just
starting to come into existence. CD and mp3 players were a distant dream,
as was the concept of the internet and personal computing. Our telephones
were tethered to an outlet on the wall. Most people had televisions where
you had to get up and walk to the set to change the channel. We truly
dwelt in a technological wilderness!
I wonder what dreams will come to
pass over the next quarter century? Being a guy I think about what kind of
cars will you be driving. Will they still be powered by internal
combustion engines? Will cars even still be the primary mode of
transportation? Will the world still be in the grip of the oil companies
as the primary source of power? Will renewable sources of energy that can
save the environment finally become the order of the day? Will methods of
food production create the ability to insure that no one goes hungry? What
new ways to communicate will be developed….and will they actually result
with communication occurring between people? Will we find and harness the
forces that will one day enable us to reach beyond our own solar system to
explore the far reaches of the galaxy?
I also have what I consider to be
more important questions. Will the next 25 years see an atmosphere of
peace start to pervade our world, or will there continue to be wars and
rumors of war as nations rise against nation and the love of many grows
cold? Will we stop killing our fellow man in the name of religion? Will we
be able to eliminate the life-draining scourge of poverty, or will the
rapidly escalating gap between the rich and the poor continue? Will we
recognize and reverse the damage we are doing to our planet as we place a
priority on economics over ecology? Will we cease the politics of
character assassination and begin to pursue policies that put the good of
the entire country first? Will we learn to talk to each other rather than
at each other? Will we learn to listen to understand? Will we follow the
Golden Rule, or let gold rule? Will the phrase, "All men are created
equal" become more than words on paper? Will the generations that
follow mine will pass along a better world than they found? Will history
look back and say my own generation made life better?
I have a lot of questions. I pray
the world in which you live is providing good answers. I pray I’m still
around to see!
Looking at where I’ve been, and
where I am now, I see a future with great promise, and great peril. There
are many in the world who want to do all they can to make things better
for everybody. There are also those who seem to desire to increase their
own power and influence through any means necessary regardless of the cost
to the lives of others. Which side wins will depend to a large degree on
men and women like those of you beginning your education at GCC. You can
use these years to develop a vision of what you want your world to be. You
can use these years to begin acquiring the knowledge and skills you need
to make that vision a reality. Your life can make a difference. Embrace
the opportunity. Relish the experience! A changed life creates a changed
One last thing……Go Gauchos!!!

Terry Bloss more recent photo!
(no photo)
From: Philip Smelser, Professor Emeritus, 1963 – 2009
Philosophy, Humanities and History of Religious Studies
April 1, 2015
To the faculty of the year 2040:
As I recall my time as a community college teacher a flood of
feelings come to mind – and hopes, as well. My experience as a faculty
member in the beginning years was, in many ways, a onetime experience. I
was hired to help create something new; a new school of 250 students, a
faculty of eight, a temporary facility, and a chance to create a
curriculum for a variety of students who were attending school at this
level for many reasons. It was a real challenge. Our classes were small
– 30 or so, consisting of high school grads, adult students attending
college for the first time, and continuing students whose education had
been interrupted for various reasons. It was quite an mélange!
The only thing that was the same for most of our students was an
eagerness to experience something new. Out of this challenge emerged for
me a lifetime of stimulating experiences. Hopefully this was true for the
students as well.
In a larger perspective, the first two-year college (Phoenix
Junior College) began in the 1920’s in a single house in Phoenix. We
must have done something right. From those humble beginnings have emerged
thousands of community college graduates.
The community college system has been a stimulating source of
enjoyment for administrators, faculty and students since it’s
beginnings. I hope this remains the same in the year 2040. The eagerness
and excitement of learning should be available to all those who want to
experience new ideas. Hopefully this has become a reality for those of you
who are fortunate enough to be on the faculty of 2040.
Philip Smelser, Professor Emeritus, 1963 – 2009
Philosophy, Humanities and History of Religious Studies

Bette Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no.3000.

Bette Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no. 3031.
The shovels mark the place on the mall at Glendale Community College’s
main campus where the 50th Anniversary Time Capsule will be placed and
reopened in twenty-five years in 2040. Behind the shovels is the Dr. Joe
Griego Counseling and Career Services Building.

Bette Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no. 3082.
The capsule will be buried for 25 years and opened in 2040. Glendale
Community College President Dr. Irene Kovala and Student Body President
and Associated Student Government President Rico Moran moving the dirt for
the future home of the Associated Student Government’s time capsule

Bette Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no. 3088.
The time capsule will be buried for 25 years and opened in 2040.
Glendale Community College President Dr. Irene Kovala and Student Body
President and Associated Student Government President Rico Moran moving
the dirt for the future home of the Associated Student Government’s time
capsule as students look on.

Ed Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no. 13328.
Some of the items that are going into GCC's first ever time capsule.
They are reflective of the current culture and daily life for the college
factuality and students. One of the last items to go into the capsule will
be the 2015 commencement program. Commencement Friday, May 15, 2015. This
one of two tables of items to be buried in the time capsule.

Ed Sharpe/Glendale Daily Planet no. 13328.
Suzanne Smelser and Amy Gonzales from GCC marketing
and Public Relations show of one of the two
tables of artifacts that represent the 'here and now' of
Glendale Community College. This the second of
two tables of items to be buried in the time capsule.
part of main article




photo by ed