Welcome to the demolition of Manistee Towne Center, formerly Valley West Mall now that has been redeveloped into Northern Crossing in
Glendale Arizona (AZ)
Photos copyright SMECC 2005 - shot in 2002.
Something new at every turn.... The
Sign promised...
I will share some pictures and thoughts
that I captured as the progress went on.....We have CD's available that
have hundreds of photos on them... I have just picked out a few...
This series of pictures serve to document yet another dead shopping
mall project... Ed
Sharpe Archivist for SMECC
See the Museum at http://www.smecc.org
Many of these photos can be seen in
enlarged form if you click on them.
Email comments to:

"Demo Doug"
A long time friend I had not seen for a
long time (10 years) showed up to get a book from one of the sale
racks at the Coury House, He looked familiar... When asked what he did for
a living he said "I demolish things!" I replied a pity you are
not demolishing Valley West Mall.... "But I am!" He replied as
he got a card out... I looked at the name on the card and.... yep! that is
why he looked familiar!
I was invited to come and gather
materials to use to construct more display cases for The Southwest
Museum of Engineering, Communications and Computation that resides at
the Coury House Building Complex
Here is some of what followed.....

I Love the Smell of Machinery in the Morning!
This poster found in the old Waldenbooks
store foretold what I was to see.... |


Monitoring air quality and
testing material for asbestos.... |

DANGER! We did not
play in the areas where the asbestos abatement was taking place...
Eerie shadows cast on the plastic and
the scraping sound of asbestos tile being removed from the floor...

Asbestos ..

The remains of the blueprint room where just a day before I had removed
a van load of blueprints of the mall...

Where the mall office was...

Down come the walls....

Ballast removal crew.... Recycling PCB
Florescent light Ballasts is their mission!

Hungry Hungry Dinosaurs....

Umm! Tasty Structural Material!

Eating away inch by inch... foot by foot... yard by

Bargains everywhere...

'The Final Flight...."

Many great
things of the past....

Remains of the Waldenbooks store... note
the poster on the far wall....

'Dehydro-Lizard'.... He's everywhere!

Hosing down the debris to lower the dust....

Main power buss for the switch gear
that distributed power to the tenants of the mall... |



Sun City Engine Company 132 came to
practice on the old building as well as other fire departments and
police... By these practice exercises on the mall buildings personal
train to save lives... |

'Demo Doug' and helper repair the small tractor.... hard
work even for tough machines...

Reach for the sky...

There was not much left of the structure when I last
waked through this opening that had been my portal to shopping adventure
for weeks to the left is where I kept my red shopping cart stashed It was
like going to home depot before work every day but.... you sort of had to
unbolt and unfasten and clip anything you wanted to take with you!...

Became This...

Scraping up the cement slab...

Sawing the studs off the steel beams...

Jaws at rest!

Overview of the slab with not much of the mall

But even giant machines get sick...

But George can weld them back together and put them
back to work!
Preparing the machinery to recycle the concrete slab
and wall from VWM.

Preparing the machinery to recycle the concrete slab
and wall from VWM. The material will be ground up, steel separated from it
and expelled in the form of ABC to go under the foundation of a new set of
buildings! Parts of VWM will live forever!
(Note worker Arc welding!)

It had rained in the morning and I knew the machine line
was consuming concrete slab pieces turning them into ABC to go under yet
another new building... the afternoon offered some great photo opportunities...
Machinery in action! The slab is

Yes sir yes sir three buckets full!
(as fast as they feed the material it is
converted to ABC... it is a job just to keep the crusher fed!)

Scraping and gathering

Dumping slab into the input hopper

Processed material travels along the belts

To be deposited in an ever increasing mountain!

We will come back to this towards the end of the process and see
how big the mountain gets.....
Removal of the Power Distribution


Obliviously I was getting weird with the photo editor

The Eye of Ankhsenamen Found At last In the Rubble!
(Actually may turn out to be the eye master's logo!)

Display case at the Southwest Museum of Engineering,
Communications and Computation (SMECC) which houses part of the museum's
computer collection. Built from a donated sliding glass door and the
rest from reused Valley West Mall Material. The VWM components made the
top, sides, back slat wall, support beams trim strips etc....
See the Museum at:

The Bob Huffman sign on display at SMECC aux-1 building.
An interesting time to display it as there was a council race in this
district January-February '02. We need to find a permanent home for this
neat sign!